When the name Tom Jones comes to mind we immediately picture a seas of woman, ranging from the tight-t-shirt-teens to blue haired grannies. Venues swell with frenzied females, eager to throw themselves at the performer and then party, unleashing themselves on the Vegas Strip. Drunk off the liquor of lust and grape of the vine, these woman act barbaric in the venue, throwing undergarments onto the stage accompanied by the occasional hotel room key. Meanadic in their obsession with the sultry lounge singer -the god of Vegas, the city of wine and inhibition- these woman run from their every day lives off to the airport to catch a glimpse and Dionysus in skin tight pants and an unbuttoned polyester disco blouse.
Jones’s uncanny power over woman can only be explained by the presence of Dionysus himself in the performer. In the Bacchae when speaking of the power that has overcome the women Dionysus cites himself as the catalyst,
“I have stung these women into madness…All the females, all the women of Thebes-I sent them crazy from their homes. Even the Kings daughters are running wild them under the fir trees, or seated on rocks in the open.”
Tom Jones holds the same power, when ever he comes to perform just as when ever Dionysus comes to visit the woman run off from their homes to partake in primal, lustful, alcohol induced behavior.
Jones’s uncanny power over woman can only be explained by the presence of Dionysus himself in the performer. In the Bacchae when speaking of the power that has overcome the women Dionysus cites himself as the catalyst,
“I have stung these women into madness…All the females, all the women of Thebes-I sent them crazy from their homes. Even the Kings daughters are running wild them under the fir trees, or seated on rocks in the open.”
Tom Jones holds the same power, when ever he comes to perform just as when ever Dionysus comes to visit the woman run off from their homes to partake in primal, lustful, alcohol induced behavior.
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