I for one think the story of Pygmalion is false information. The world should not and does not work in such unnatural ways, yes unnatural things happen that we predict to be great but their greatness lies in the recognition will should soon come to that nothing can compare to the real deal.
For example, a modern day rendition of Pygmalion is in a little film called Weird Science, where two young “nerds” create the perfect women at home on their make-shift computer. Their prayers and plans are answered when a beautiful, smart, loving woman comes forth from their computer in a dense fog with 80’s laser beam light effects. Despite her beauty and seemingly perfect aspects, the two boys soon learn that she is not real and there for not really possessive of all these wonderful things based on this new found information the boys turn their attention to actual women and because they have learned from their previous mistakes they are now ready to go after the real deal with some educated zeal.
This recognition and then change of ways has been a common pattern all throughout human history and has only recently taken a change for the worse with the invention of GMO (genetically modified organisms) we have for the same reasons as Pygmailion and the young nerds (frustration with women, un able to connect with them or retrieve desired results from women) decided to create our food from a laboratory instead of letting it come to us naturally as the gods have given us. Instead of taking the time to nurture plants (as Pygmalion should have nurtured women) we have decided to create our own plants, just as we dream them; strong, fast growing, defensible against pests and bountiful. But as many of us realized that behind this facade of greatness these GMO are simply not real and the threats and dangers that they pose to the environment because of this fact are very real and very serious. Its not even the fact that GMO have been tested to give lab rats CANCER or that the largest company producing them is the same “safe” company that brought us DDT and Agent Orange, no its not even about these things, the fact of the matter is, like Pygmalion’s girl or the two nerds cyber babe, none of it is real and it will never compare to what is.
For example, a modern day rendition of Pygmalion is in a little film called Weird Science, where two young “nerds” create the perfect women at home on their make-shift computer. Their prayers and plans are answered when a beautiful, smart, loving woman comes forth from their computer in a dense fog with 80’s laser beam light effects. Despite her beauty and seemingly perfect aspects, the two boys soon learn that she is not real and there for not really possessive of all these wonderful things based on this new found information the boys turn their attention to actual women and because they have learned from their previous mistakes they are now ready to go after the real deal with some educated zeal.
This recognition and then change of ways has been a common pattern all throughout human history and has only recently taken a change for the worse with the invention of GMO (genetically modified organisms) we have for the same reasons as Pygmailion and the young nerds (frustration with women, un able to connect with them or retrieve desired results from women) decided to create our food from a laboratory instead of letting it come to us naturally as the gods have given us. Instead of taking the time to nurture plants (as Pygmalion should have nurtured women) we have decided to create our own plants, just as we dream them; strong, fast growing, defensible against pests and bountiful. But as many of us realized that behind this facade of greatness these GMO are simply not real and the threats and dangers that they pose to the environment because of this fact are very real and very serious. Its not even the fact that GMO have been tested to give lab rats CANCER or that the largest company producing them is the same “safe” company that brought us DDT and Agent Orange, no its not even about these things, the fact of the matter is, like Pygmalion’s girl or the two nerds cyber babe, none of it is real and it will never compare to what is.
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