After reading my blog on Pygmalion John Nay posting a counter opinion citing that the story of Pygmalion does in fact hold beauty, for the redemptive power of art is a central theme in the story and that art shall have beauty and shall forever have life. His argument was clear and well spoken, it is a good point. There is even further information in Ovid that would support his claim. First though let me reinstate my claim, somewhat reformatted:- nothing can compare to what is real and natural, the gods have created every natural thing on this earth and recognition of true beauty in the world is recognition of grace, seeing god’s presence in all that is natural and all that is worldly.- Now Nay could have brought up the point that we must transpose this idea that god is within everything that god is within all forms of art, music, and quite literally everything. And in the story of Arachne we see that the weavings created by mortal surpass those by a god. While these all might be true and might even debunk my original post –it is a question of opinion- I still stand by the case that what we find in the world naturally, what comes to life from the connection and passion of a man and a women bearing a child, is far more beautiful that what one man alone creates out of stone, true love cannot be found by asking the gods for it, it must be made but human interactions and human emotions. Love must come from within each being, a unison of connection that rings out harmoniously regardless of technological breakthroughs.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Monday, April 30, 2007
Pan's, Ovid's, and Homer's Labryinth

Although I saw Pan’s Labyrinth several months ago, I am still awed with the relation and correlation that the film had with much of the topics and general themes of ancient Greek and Roman mythology. To begin with, there is the clear representation of Pan, the character within Ovid, this physical interpretation of Pan was not quite what I had in mind. Although the character is friendly throughout the film, never dangerous, we are still weary of his intentions for he seems as though me might potentially be dangerous. In the film, Pan is somewhat frightening especially for a child this old twisted figure asking you to perform fantastic feats might seem fairly sketchy. In the same sense however, this is how many of the stories within Ovid are portrayed. Although the gods bring great fortune and gifts to some, the also have a darker side that many fear and quite a few have felt the wrath. The entire mood of the film follows the same premise, there are scenes of beauty, fantasy and indescribable magic for this poor girl, but at the same time her world is crowded with horrible violence and pain, the side of the gods exposed to such characters as Arachne, Terreus and many, many others.

There are also relations to Homer, first in the Iliadic sense that in order to return home and save her loved ones, the young girl must defeat terrible beasts and overcome great misfortune and suffering. Secondly when she enters the underworld of the man with eyeball hands she is too entering Persephone’s underworld, and as in the Homeric hymns, the young girl eats the tempting fruit and almost solidifies her position in the underworld, I am dying to see the film again because I could only imagine far more allusions to Ovid that I simply had not picked up on. Great film though, everyone should get a chance to see it. And see it through the eyes of the past.

There are also relations to Homer, first in the Iliadic sense that in order to return home and save her loved ones, the young girl must defeat terrible beasts and overcome great misfortune and suffering. Secondly when she enters the underworld of the man with eyeball hands she is too entering Persephone’s underworld, and as in the Homeric hymns, the young girl eats the tempting fruit and almost solidifies her position in the underworld, I am dying to see the film again because I could only imagine far more allusions to Ovid that I simply had not picked up on. Great film though, everyone should get a chance to see it. And see it through the eyes of the past.

Sunday, April 29, 2007
just a related qoute
regarding my post, "the importance of asses ears" i found/ heard this great E B White qoute: "I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day. " in my blog my point was that from time to time we must simply enjoy our surroundings, take in what we can, experience life instead of analyzing it.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I for one think the story of Pygmalion is false information. The world should not and does not work in such unnatural ways, yes unnatural things happen that we predict to be great but their greatness lies in the recognition will should soon come to that nothing can compare to the real deal.
For example, a modern day rendition of Pygmalion is in a little film called Weird Science, where two young “nerds” create the perfect women at home on their make-shift computer. Their prayers and plans are answered when a beautiful, smart, loving woman comes forth from their computer in a dense fog with 80’s laser beam light effects. Despite her beauty and seemingly perfect aspects, the two boys soon learn that she is not real and there for not really possessive of all these wonderful things based on this new found information the boys turn their attention to actual women and because they have learned from their previous mistakes they are now ready to go after the real deal with some educated zeal.
This recognition and then change of ways has been a common pattern all throughout human history and has only recently taken a change for the worse with the invention of GMO (genetically modified organisms) we have for the same reasons as Pygmailion and the young nerds (frustration with women, un able to connect with them or retrieve desired results from women) decided to create our food from a laboratory instead of letting it come to us naturally as the gods have given us. Instead of taking the time to nurture plants (as Pygmalion should have nurtured women) we have decided to create our own plants, just as we dream them; strong, fast growing, defensible against pests and bountiful. But as many of us realized that behind this facade of greatness these GMO are simply not real and the threats and dangers that they pose to the environment because of this fact are very real and very serious. Its not even the fact that GMO have been tested to give lab rats CANCER or that the largest company producing them is the same “safe” company that brought us DDT and Agent Orange, no its not even about these things, the fact of the matter is, like Pygmalion’s girl or the two nerds cyber babe, none of it is real and it will never compare to what is.
For example, a modern day rendition of Pygmalion is in a little film called Weird Science, where two young “nerds” create the perfect women at home on their make-shift computer. Their prayers and plans are answered when a beautiful, smart, loving woman comes forth from their computer in a dense fog with 80’s laser beam light effects. Despite her beauty and seemingly perfect aspects, the two boys soon learn that she is not real and there for not really possessive of all these wonderful things based on this new found information the boys turn their attention to actual women and because they have learned from their previous mistakes they are now ready to go after the real deal with some educated zeal.
This recognition and then change of ways has been a common pattern all throughout human history and has only recently taken a change for the worse with the invention of GMO (genetically modified organisms) we have for the same reasons as Pygmailion and the young nerds (frustration with women, un able to connect with them or retrieve desired results from women) decided to create our food from a laboratory instead of letting it come to us naturally as the gods have given us. Instead of taking the time to nurture plants (as Pygmalion should have nurtured women) we have decided to create our own plants, just as we dream them; strong, fast growing, defensible against pests and bountiful. But as many of us realized that behind this facade of greatness these GMO are simply not real and the threats and dangers that they pose to the environment because of this fact are very real and very serious. Its not even the fact that GMO have been tested to give lab rats CANCER or that the largest company producing them is the same “safe” company that brought us DDT and Agent Orange, no its not even about these things, the fact of the matter is, like Pygmalion’s girl or the two nerds cyber babe, none of it is real and it will never compare to what is.
The importance of asses' ears

When was the last time any of us actually listened to the world? And by that I mean not only listening audibly as in hearing, but also visually and physically. When was the last time any of us spent time taking life in, instead of throwing our opinion into life?
In life, college especially we are so frequently asked to comment and give feed back or interpretation onto all facets of life that we run into. This assignment even is an example of this commonplace in academia. It is important however, to see the world not through a critical eye, take the time to see and hear and experience life without trying to dissect it. When overhearing a debate, every once in a while instead of taking side and routing for one while denouncing the other, listen intently to both arguments and make no judgment once the debate has finished. There is a time however where analysis is important, this should go with out saying. But just once in a great while gather as much information, as much knowledge and visions of beauty as you can our world holds a plethora of beauty, beauty not only of the aesthetic kind (ie. blooming flowers and golden fall foliage) but also beauty of knowledge and emotion, of human interaction and love. It is important no to always judge and be skeptical of these things, instead to take the time to recognize them for their power and grace.
“I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen.” – Ernest Hemmingway
In life, college especially we are so frequently asked to comment and give feed back or interpretation onto all facets of life that we run into. This assignment even is an example of this commonplace in academia. It is important however, to see the world not through a critical eye, take the time to see and hear and experience life without trying to dissect it. When overhearing a debate, every once in a while instead of taking side and routing for one while denouncing the other, listen intently to both arguments and make no judgment once the debate has finished. There is a time however where analysis is important, this should go with out saying. But just once in a great while gather as much information, as much knowledge and visions of beauty as you can our world holds a plethora of beauty, beauty not only of the aesthetic kind (ie. blooming flowers and golden fall foliage) but also beauty of knowledge and emotion, of human interaction and love. It is important no to always judge and be skeptical of these things, instead to take the time to recognize them for their power and grace.
“I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen.” – Ernest Hemmingway

As this picture - immortalized by film-shows Marylyn Monroe, reading a book upside down but looking beautiful none the less, as does that ex-girlfriend off somewhere appearing to the untrained eye as a prize of beauty, stunning men all around her, but never the less…reading a book upside down.
Tom Jones ripping it up.
If you want to see a breif performance here:
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